Friday, August 26, 2016

Children Are Such Joy

As an ARTIST I look for joy and inspiration in everything in my life.
The one consistent theme that I experience is my kids.
They are such independent souls.
They are glorious and brave.
They do such amazing things in their lives
and they are so unafraid of all the challenges around them.

They dive in head first because they know the facts
they interpret the information they receive
and make informed choices.
They are involved deeply in their work
and their passions.
They care about how things work out
how they are progressing in their careers
and how they measure up to each other.
It is wondrous to watch them all enjoy being together.

It is a special role to be their Mom when they are grown up and are pursuing their own dreams.
I get to watch in wonder and enjoy the ride.
I do not have to provide anything anymore
except encouragement and my happiness at their lives.
They want nothing from me except my love.
They love to tell me things because I am in rapt attention.
They love to talk because I listen.
They love to share because I have NO judgment.

I am in AWE of my kids.
I am proud and relentless in my appreciation and
most of all my LOVE.
They are the COOLEST people on the planet.
They are the BEST gift in my life.

I am a very lucky person to have them.
I am very fortunate to be able to enjoy them in small bursts of 
moments in time.

They are busy 
and I get it.
When we get moments together
I celebrate with them.
I watch them
and I treasure every word.
Every conversation.

I am very lucky.