Sure it is easier to look the other way.
Sure it is easier to believe that everything for everyone is easy.
I have never done that.
It has always been compelling to me to help those that need it.
And yes, it has traditionally been basic needs.
But to an artist, materials ARE a basic need.
I think that there is alot of talent out there that is unrecognized.
And alot of talent that never goes anywhere because of no way to express it.
When I was a child, and could afford nothing
I made mosaics out of eggshells
dyed with food coloring.
I mounted them to boards that I found outside.
Weathered and greyed.
I could afford nothing, but it would not stop me.
Some people have NO resources and can do nothing
because of it.
At Patreon, that problem can be solved.
At least for those on my gallery sites on Facebook.
I will help them.
It will be fun.
A FUN dimension of being an ARTIST would be helping other ARTISTS.