We all need support and help now and then.
As Artists it is even more true.
Artists tend to listen to their peers.
We care what people say.
We respond to other artists with kindness
and support.
What if we could go further?
What if we could actually spur someone on to be even more comfortable in their creative space?
What if we could change ARTISTS lives?
I believe as a group of ARTISTS
We could become a community.
A nurturing caring and supportive community that actually does something for other ARTISTS.
And do it worldwide.
Sure more help may be needed in some areas.
That is true about any kind of aid.
Help in sub-Saharan Africa may be crucial to survival
But aid in London could be JUST as crucial to someone starving for their work.
How many people when starting out pay for materials before they buy food?
Or pay for medicine for a loved one before they buy materials?
Food may be cheap
but materials are NEVER cheap.
We all make painful runs to art vendors that cost more than we thought.
We all push ourselves financially to keep working
no matter what.
Sometimes we are between commissions
or we just have hit a dry spell with our support systems.
And we suffer for our work.
I recently had a peer on a site tell me that she suffers everyday to be able to do her work.
And she was not talking about physical pain.
She was talking about financial stretching herself to be ABLE to work.
Taking the risk that something that she has afforded may not sell.
A difficult place to be
but a reality for many ARTISTS.
When I reach out to other ARTISTS
and ask them to join a site,
or give to the PATREON site.
That is the kind of support I am speaking of.
The support that keeps an artist working
and creating
and being the ARTIST that they long to be all of their lives.
That is what we need to do for our community of ARTISTS.