Are you a color collector?
I really love to have a gazillion tubes
and cans of every color imaginable.
Color is a HUGE part of my work.
It is the structure in my approach to what I do.
I layer color
scrape color
scratch color
and bury it under other
I am not so much about texture
and thick soft application.
I am more into shadows
scrapping off layers
and seeing what is left.
We all have our own techniques that create our magic
but COLOR is my thing.
I want to just play with it
and seem to get it all over me.
I do not own a T or pair of jeans without
paint on them.
It seems to be like honey for me.
It just goes everywhere.
My feet are always polka dotted on top
and splattered and puddled with color on the bottom.
I walk in it
track it
wipe it with the back of my hands
and scrub scrub scrub
to get it all off.
And after I am done for the day
I still find it everywhere.
That is because it is all around me.
Luckily I do not work in oils
or it would never ever end and it would be
on every surface of my life.
At least Acrylics do dry
and they do seem to be able to be washed away.