Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Job One

I think that
was a slogan from
one of the car manufacturers
of my childhood.
I always liked it.
I reach for it now
in my memory of thing
that maybe stuck with me
and made me push on.
Push on through anything
dished out at me
at that moment.

It resonates
within my brain
and gives me 
center focus
on a canvas

Job One
A curious way to
think about something
that gives me unlimited joy.
And yet it sticks.
Commercial ART
has always been my thing.
When the rest of the world
seems to pick
a field that is more work
than work.
I choose fields
where the creation
is the work.

Sounds strange to 
compare all of this to huge
scale manufacturing
but it is in my world.
Manufacturing a life and not looking back
or looking past it
but embracing
the creating
and the knowing.