Friday, December 9, 2016

Merry ART

With the holidays in full swing
and everyone you know full of hustle
and bustle.
Taking time out to actually do what you
love the most 
is really really

I find myself focused
on the ART
of giving.
The ART of
living effortlessly
and the notion that
all of this is

And it really is
NOT easy.
We have so much to do
and the creation of ART
takes alot of focus
and alot of energy
in itself.
Add to it
the activity around 
the holidays
and you have a whole
bunch of stuff
going on
non stop
and expectations galore.

So take time to do 
your ART,
Take time to enjoy
your work.
It shows when you do.
It matters when you do.
And it feeds your soul.
Which you are going
to need in January 
and February.
The two months with very
real inspiration in 