Monday, February 20, 2017

Healing with ART

When dealing with something
physical that slows you down
the BEST thing that you can do 
is spend time doing what you love.

If you do not do this
it takes twice as long.
I know that it is a difficult task
but stay with your muse
your joy in your life.

If you do
the results are mind boggling.
I remember having babies
and dealing with sleep deprivation
extreme exhaustion
and never ever losing steam.
I was in the middle of several companies
that I owned
the joy of creating
a home and family
and the intense satisfaction of
doing it all with energy
and non stop push.

It never stopped.
Through surgery
and focus
I made it all work.

I never felt the extreme exhaustion
that I feel today.
It was the drama of these
current events
and the way that my body 
shut down
and did not respond quickly
that was the most frightening.
And NOW the focus
on my work
my ART
is pulling me through.

So do not lose the focus.
Do not give up even for one moment
in this life.
I was close
and somehow
I muscled through this
and am coming out the other side!