it is fascinating how art reaches everyone.
in the worst of situations
ART speaks to people and joins them into a consciousness.
I had an opportunity in the worst of time
to use ART to teach creativity
to let people explore
and get away with ART in their hearts
I believe that ART is a language
that can be spoken when the situation is not optimal.
When people are held away from their families
and their lives
ART can intervene and open doors.
ART can be a nurturing force to bring people together
and help them to connect to the bigger picture.
ART softens the realization that life goes on.
ART gives hope and promise when nothing is guaranteed
to make a difference.
ART is a powerful healing force.
When i was given a chance to help
all that i did had to be pulled from my memory.
No internet was available.
Basic tools were available.
Ingenutiy - perseverence - love