Saturday, August 27, 2016

Abstract ARTISTS Need Love on Gallery Sites

I have found the most discouraging fact as of late.
Abstract ARTISTS struggle to be heard in their pursuit of their passion
for form color and shape.
We are out there
there is no doubt
But how many times is realism put in the forefront and we are taking a back seat?
I see it alot on gallery sites everywhere.
I have vast respect for the realistic artist.
They create something that I have NO talent to do.
They can create something that the eye sees and understands
But Abstract ART takes not only a visual form
but a mental form as well.
are driven to create by a storm inside of us.
That storm can be friendly and kind
or it can be a monster with lightning
thunder and a need to express.
Either way
we are out there creating and surging forward.

The ocean does this.
It surges and grabs the shore
and lets go again.
Like the ocean 
our force takes many forms.
We can be foamy and soft on the sand
Or harsh and crashing into it
eroding and pulling sand out to sea.
And then bringing it back in another form
another shape.
Or making shapes where we crash into it.

I think that Abstract ART is like the ocean.
Wild and stormy
or soft and serene.
But we have a steady rhythm in what we do.
We surprise by our strength and our power.
And we come back for more, again and again.

I want to do this forever.
I want to be so strong and so forceful
that everyone must notice at some point.
I want my color to intertwine with the shapes in my soul.
I want the image that I have inside to project into something readable by the world.
Something that is so lovely that every gallery site
and notices
and says.
That IS ART.

Abstract Artists NEED Love too.