Saturday, August 27, 2016

Recent Negative Comments For Abstract Art

Several sites on Facebook have a no tolerance policy for unkind behavior against Artists.
This is a hugely protective stance to help ARTISTS have a community for their work.
I mean we all started somewhere.
We all have a right to have our vision and our work displayed somewhere when it is 
in it's infancy
so that we can learn and play without harsh judgment.

I believe that we all have talent.
I believe that many of us are held back because of criticism
or lack of materials
or lack of time that allows us to just be creative in our own direction
or we are ill and can no longer express our work
or we are just starting and self taught and need to explore more.

ARTISTS come in all shapes / sizes / motivation / interest / skill / ability to express.
We are urgent to learn more.
We ALL want some type of audience to appreciate parts of our work
or accept our work just the way we do it.

It is a practice.
It is a progress glance at our development.
It is our WORK - and becomes numbed or halted with terrible criticism.

I realize that some cruelty from others comes from a very dark place.
I realize that some people are so unhappy or hurting that they have no kindness left for others.
This is a sad fact and one that is painful to see.
I feel sorry for those that are crass and blunt in their view of Abstract ART.
They do not have the ability - YET - to see the ART for what it is
and do not appear to be willing to even TRY - YET.
It may all change.  
It may adjust as they blossom and become more self confident in their own work.
It may grow as they feel the sting of criticism from others and begin
to feel the anger well up inside of them
and stop projecting it at others.

And some people will never change.
As ABSTRACT ARTISTS we grow thick skins.  
Our ART is OURS.
And honestly no one must accept it but ourselves.
Did people understand Picasso?
Or Andy Warhol?
Or Monet?
Did they accept Rothko's work?
Did they honor the Bauhaus designers and welcome them with open arms when everything
they did was different than what people knew?
History shows that all ARTISTS are criticized and maligned by the press
and the status quo.

I am such an optimist about life in general
and Abstract Art specifically
that I know everyone will eventually understand.
I paint with joy in my soul and do it for all the wrong reasons.
I do it because I must do it.
I do it because it wells up inside of me 
like crying
or laughing.
It is part of who I am
and who I will become.
I MUST do it.
So the acceptance thing never enters into it.
The public and their view never influences me.

I sell enough work that I am clear that the dollars are not my goal.
I work enough that I know THAT is why I am here.
I am here for the WORK and the feeling of getting that paint onto the
canvas exactly how it should be.

So Recent Negative Comments do not actually sting at all.
I did not expect the people that do not understand or enjoy it 
would be changed by me.
I only wish that everyone could be kinder to each other.
To support those that truly need it.
To enjoy more and hurt less.