We are all influenced by movies.
How many people quote movies nonstop?
Their favorite lines from movies.
Their favorite situations.
It is constant.
Almost to a point of being annoying.
The last lines from Shawshank Redemption.
Or Cold Mountain.
Or Jaws.
Foresst Gump?
We all have our favorite lines.
My ex used to always want to write one of those little books that they sell in grocery story check out
Movie quotes and why they mattered.
I thought it was brilliant,
now I think it is kinda stupid.
I mean someone wrote those quotes to mean something.
I get that.
And we identify with them.
I get that too.
But no one really cares
and YOU did not write them.
Write something that matters.
Write a poem
or a sonnet
or a short story
or even a BOOK.
Do something that means something.
And now to movies and how they affect ART.
It is pop culture.
Everyone is effected by Pop Culture in some regard.
Whether you let it creep in or not.
It affects you.
I mean movies are what is trendy.
Right now we are watching ZOMBIE movies
and Sci Fi thrillers about the end of the world.
And Harry Potter until we are choked with it.
I am not a POP CULTURE kind of movie watcher.
I am kinda into reality.
I love historical movies.
Those are my favorite,
like historical fiction.
But those are not as popular or cultish as the ones I mentioned.
My art follows those feelings from those movies.
I can think about a time period and paint to it.
Or a person that matters and paint to them.
But I cannot paint to SCI FI or anything POP CULTURE.
It totally bores me.
I love to be challenged by movies.
By understanding the times and the plot.
I love painting that way.
Challenging others to understand where i was and what I was thinking.
And some people never get it!!