At least to ARTISTS.
I have always blogged.
As an interior designer.
As a Mom and Wife.
I have Blogged my whole life.
Before it was called blogging
it was journaling
and writing in a diary.
I have always kept one.
I believe in it.
It teaches things about yourself
your life
your goals
your achievements
your accomplishments
but mostly about how your mind works daily.
I have learned that rambling is healthy.
I have learned that blogging lets out worries
and sensitivities that need not cripple you.
I have learned that blogging is just a vehicle to speak to others casually.
It is only as serious as you want it to be.
It is only as meaningful as you allow yourself to share.
It can be silly
and top of mind.
It can be a serious topic that the world is speaking of.
Or it can just be thoughts
strung together like small natural pearls on a string.
Maybe around a tan neck
or a pale one surrounded by a sweater
or a t shirt.
A string of life pearls waiting to become something else.
Blogging is like your life.
Make it real.