Thursday, August 18, 2016

Soul Abyss

You never know what is really there.
It can be darker.
But have a center that is a surprise.

It can pull you in
or under

It can laugh at you
when you need it least

Or make you laugh because you
need it more.

You never know what is really there.
It can be a small series of playful steps.
Or a strong harsh plodding over yourself
that others do not even see.

You never know what is really there.
But discovery is the most fun of all.
Even when it is sad.
Or scary.
It has the potential of anything you desire.

Soul Abyss
You just have to let it wash over you.
Circling down and trying to pull you under.
You have to let it have its way
and you float and attempt to move it 
any way that you want.

And sometimes
You never know what is really there
it is lighter 
and full of all that you really need.