When you need a stress reliever
Go to your core
Find what makes your soul soar.
And go there.
Express it all on canvas.
Express it all with color
and make something good from it.
I believe that we are given talents
for a reason.
They are gifts.
They help us through anything that is hard on us.
They help us find a way to light
and happiness.
And when we do not use them for that
it hurts us.
It hurts us
because that is the way of the universe.
We are here to learn
and grow.
We are here to help each other
and we are here to be a part of the human condition.
If we do not use our gifts to help ourselves
which ultimately helps
We are truly lost here on the planet.
We must dig deep and pull
out the good.
Strengthen our attitudes by giving
our joy to others.
By expressing it and giving it up.
There is an art gallery that I used to be affiliated with.
They help drug addicts to paint, sculpt and express themselves.
I personally met many of the artists at social
events and auctions of their work.
I bought many paintings from them to help them.
It really did seem to work.
They were proud of their work.
They would talk about it
explain their pain
and move past it.
It was a miraculous thing to witness.