As a painter
it is very easy to see the world one way.
As a huge canvas
and ready to express pigment shape form and line.
I know it is much deeper than that.
I define my creative muse expression
every day.
I move it in directions that are challenging.
I do this to never get stale.
To never get worrisome
or complacent.
To grow as an ARTIST
one must find new methods to create.
Just my way
not every ARTISTS way.
I love it when an ARTIST has a style or
And it lasts for years.
I find comfort in it.
Think of the most famous painters.
They created styles of painting.
They created views of the world.
They made their own way.
I just like to keep mixing it up.
I love to layer and scrape
almost everything I do.
But my under layers change continually.
They are sometimes more figurative.
And sometimes more just expressions of color.
But they continually change and challenge me.
It is just the way that it appears to me.
The way it seeps out of my brushes
and my palette knife.
I have to keep inventing my own way.
I have to keep wandering and finding beauty.
I want to keep exploring it all and never claiming
that any part of it is really me.
It all belongs to ART
and I belong to it too.
But it will never be owned by me
or claimed as part of me.
It will always belong to a larger community
of ART
and will always just maybe
if I am lucky
claim me in small niches
and small crevices of it.
And allow me to still exist here and
just paint.