Monday, September 19, 2016

Vacation and ART

When I travel
it is usually internationally.
Not this time.
I spent a while just with family.
Something that I have not done in a few years.
It was great to invade everyones space
and get a peek at what is going on with all of those
in my family.
From College Apartments
to College dorm rooms
to Senior housing facilities
I ran the gamut of interesting views of stages of life.

It is good to connect with family no matter where they are.
This was not a vacation about museums
around the globe.
Or cities and their markets and their culture.
It was about catching up
and reaching out.
I absolutely love family.
It is the core of who I am.
Really the core of who we all are.
And to see them all in their element
not just visiting the beach
or eating in restaurants.
But really seeing my closest people in my life
in their homes
and around their tables.
It is a glorious thing to see.

But missing my art
and all of my work
is tough on me.
Vacation from your life
is one thing.
Vacation from your passion and your muse
it is tough on me.
I longed for the brushes
and the paints.
I wanted to spend an afternoon stretching canvas
and putting neutral bases down.
I wanted to express myself
and had not real tangible way to do it.

So now that I am back
and home is all around me
my studio calls for me.
I touch my brushes and feel the fibers against willing
I mix the paints and feel the life inside them.

It is all good and it is all there for me.
Home is where I paint.
Away from home I get inspiration
to do it all.
But being back home gives me the vehicle and the means to ART again.
I am the luckiest artist that I know!!!