Last night
I watched the stars
emerge in a black
They came out
They were shy at first.
The first one-
the wishing star-
appeared bright
and strong.
The rest came out in clusters
showing me
and constellations
of stars playing
to intertwine
and create imaginative
and stories.
I love the stars.
They remind me of painting.
But of course you know
everything does.
I get inspired
and then I paint.
I paint
and I get inspired.
The world all revolves
around the
the palette knife
and the buckets of paint
that surround me
and tease me into
focusing on
the image I create
and the interaction
of the colors on
the canvas.
Inspire me
Create brightness
in a dark sky.
And lead
me on to the
next moment
and the next creative process
that defines me.